Learning For Children

A Multi-Sensory Reading Program for Struggling, Dyslexic, or Emerging Readers

Thousands of Students Successfully Tutored

Dedicated to helping children with dyslexia reach their full potential.

For children with dyslexia – a learning disorder that affects the ability to read, spell, write and speak – learning to read is a momentous challenge.

These individualized tutorials that students learn to trust in their abilities again; it is here that they improve their language skills and work at their own pace without worrying about how they will be perceived by their peers.

Our Process

Through carefully matched tutors and a creative approach tailored to each child, Learn Reading works alongside parents to clear the hurdles in the way of learning so children can confidently achieve their personal best.


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A Parents Frustration

Most parents want the best for their kids, and that includes the best instruction.

They understand the importance of teaching their child how to read – but there’s just one problem…
They don’t know which reading program will best fit their child.
The problem is….well-meaning parents are unfamiliar with what is required to learn reading effectively.

Nowhere To Turn

They have the best intentions, they just don’t know which methods are best to use. 

These good parents are trying everything they know to help their child learn, yet frustration is often the end result – for both parents and children!
What’s worse… these good parents, and sweet children, are not accomplishing the goal of learning. They are just sadly spinning their wheels!

Learn Reading Offers Tutoring For Every Student

Our in-home or online learning experience is tailored for all types of learners with all types of goals.

Thinking Caps Can Be Tailored

Learn Reading provides tutoring services to students of all ages, levels and subjects. We can do it online or come to your home, at a convenient time for you to help you or your child to fill in the gaps in his or her knowledge base.

Learning Programs:

Learning Membership               Online  Learning Program

Online Learning + Tutoring      Online  Daily/Weekly Tutoring

Learn Reading System is designed for ALL ages and ALL levels.

Tools for struggling readers

The ability to read is a fundamental building block in a child’s learning journey. If children struggle to read they can become unengaged, which slows down their progress.

The Learn Reading System can replace fear… with confidence!

Our Education Blog

Bringing Tutoring to You Both In-Person and Virtually.


During a free consultation, we'll speak with you and your student to learn about your goals, assess your child’s needs, and recommend a customized plan to help. .


After getting to know your child and their goals, we carefully match a tutor according to things like personality, interests, and related experience.


Your child will get the help they need to fill in learning gaps and build confidence through regular personalized tutoring sessions.